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What's New in My Railroad Pages? |
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9/8/22 | Added photos of the BC&SJ op session on 7/8/2023. |
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9/8/22 | Added photos of the BC&SJ op session on 11/12/22 Yes! THe BC&SJ is operating again |
9/8/22 | Progress along Crabtree Creek between Junction City and Browning |
7/16/22 | Added zip texturing in Junction City and Browning |
6/3/22 | Added progress photos Abner Hill |
4/7/22 | Added state of the layout photos Junction City, Browning, Lower Bear Creek, etc. |
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10/30/21 | Added photos of finished scenery in Junction City |
3/31/21 | Added photos of construction progress in Abner |
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2/25/20 | Added backdrop painting video from my live demo clinic. |
2/17/20 |
Added photos for the February 8, 2020 op session.
Added photos of new ballast in South Jackson yard. |
1/11/20 | Added photos for the January 11, 2020 op session. |
1/10/20 | Added photos of new scenery at east Junction City. |
1/6/20 | Added photos of new roads and paving in east South Jackson. of continuing backdrop painting near Junction City. |
1/4/20 | Added photos of continuing backdrop painting near Junction City. |
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12/30/19 |
Added photos of the first backdrop painting in Junction City.
Added photos of the nearly completed Lower Bear Creek bridges area. |
9/22/19 |
Added photos of the Kettle Valley Railroad in BC, Canada.
Added photos of the Sumpter Valley Railroad in northeast Oregon. |
9/20/19 | Added railfan photos of the Fraser River in BC, Canada. |
9/15/19 | Added photos of the new scenery in the lower Bear Creek area. |
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5/1/17 | Added photos of the construction history of the lower Bear Creek area. |
5/29/17 | Added photos of structures my friends have made for the BC&SJ. |
5/20/17 | Added photos of the May 20, 2017 Western Oregon OPs (WOOPS) op session. |
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11/12/16 | Added page with Arduino Object Oriented programing examples and classes |
11/8/16 | Updated the bibliography page with four articles from 2014 to 2016. |
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9/2/15 |
On August 26, 2015, the BC&SJ hosted an OpSIG session for the NMRA Portland National Convention.
Added photos for the OpSIG session. Added a backdrops area to the How To Pages. Added a clinics area to the How To Pages. |
7/22/15 | Added photos for the July 20, 2015 BC&SJ Op session. |
4/27/15 | Updated Op Session documentation to match the current layout version. |
4/27/15 | Updated the BC&SJ trackplans for the current layout. |
4/23/15 | Added photos for the April 18, 2015 BC&SJ Op session. |
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6/14/14 | Added a walking tour of the new peninsula backdrop. |
6/9/14 | Added vintage video of BC&SJ - I - the orignal 4x8 layout. |
4/30/14 | Added slide show of BC&SJ - III images. |
4/27/14 |
Added photos for the 4/12/2014 BC&SJ Op session. Posted a slide show of Oakhill photo contest images from July 2013. Posted links to the MRH 10th Anniversary BC&SJ article and its companion video on YouTube. Added bibliography of my published articles and selected YouTube videos. |
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11/16/12 |
Added a set of panoramic images of the current state (construction debris) of the Bear Creek - Nov 23, 2012. Added black and white photos of the Bear Creek from 2010 and 2011. |
11/14/12 | Added outdoor photos of the Dry Grass diorama from April 2012. |
11/12/12 | Added photos of Baynes Valley after a scenery update - Mar 31, 2011. |
11/10/12 | Added photos shot during the making of Hot Trains, Vol.1 - April 2, 2010. |
11/5/12 | Added photos of Oakhill between Jun and Oct 2010. |
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2/5/11 | Added photos for the 1/15/2011 Op Session. |
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9/26/10 | Added new Op Session photos. |
9/26/10 | Added historic Oakhill pictures. Check out the photos. |
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9/5/09 | Added pictures of the BCSJ's new Black Widow E-units. Check out the photos. |
9/3/09 | Added pictures of the August 2009 op session. Check out the operation with a record large crew. |
7/3/09 | Added pictures of Alcos in Oakhill (with new scenery). Check out the photos. |
5/18/09 | Added pictures of the January 2009 op session (sorry for the delay). Check out the shenanigans on the layout. |
4/22/09 |
Bear Creek update - the latest photos plus night time in Oakhill and environs. Check out the
photos Clipped more articles from the South Jackson Gazette. Read all about it here! |
4/06/09 | Mill Bend gets a bunch of new scenery. Check out the photos |
3/28/09 | Even more new scenery. Check out the photos |
3/8/09 | Deschutes Junction gets more scenery. Check out the photos |
2/13/09 | Deschutes Junction goes green. Check out the photos |
1/25/09 | Scenery work starts in Baynes Valley and Canyon Creek. Check out the pix |
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The BC&SJ is featured in the Model-Railroad-Hobbyist.com MOVIE MONDAY featurette. |
Clipped another article from The Gazette |
The BC&SJ gets a new diesel paint scheme. |
Added a panorama of the entire BC&SJ railroad. |
Added construction photos of the beginnings of the peninsula. |
Added late afternoon in June photos of upper Bear Creek. |
Added construction photos of the Oakhill area. |
Added page for the BC&SJ 03/1/08 op session |
Added page for the BC&SJ 02/9/08 op session |
Updated op session crew info page with new train line ups and a complete list of train sheets. |
Updated FAQ with some more info. |
Added page for the BC&SJ 01/12/08 op session |
Added construction photos of the new sceney along upper Bear Creek. |
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Added page for the BC&SJ 11/10/07 op session |
Clipped a new article from the South Jackson Gazette. |
Added some Winston Link style photographs of the Bear Creek and South Jackson. |
Added photos of Jim Barta's Black Canyon Railroad. |
Added a new construction page page scenery around tunnel 3. |
Updated op session info page. |
Clipped a few new articles from the South Jackson Gazette. |
Added photos for the 10/06/07 op session |
Added construction update page for the Oakhill area. |
Added construction update page for the new bridge being installed over upper Bear Creek. |
Added page about switching Oakhill without usin' the mainline. |
Added page for March 1, 2007 lighting changes. |
Added op session page for March 3, 2007 session. |
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Updated Op Session Info pages. |
Added Op Session Info pages. |
Added FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages. |
Added photo page for the 11/4/06 op session. |
Bad news. More train jokes. |
Updated the current progress track plan to Oct 2006. |
Clipped new article from the South Jackson Gazette. |
Clipped new articles from the South Jackson Gazette. |
New BC&SJ Redland construction update page. New track and (very) rough scenery in Redland on the BC&SJ Deschutes branch. |
New BC&SJ construction update page. Roughed in scenery from Mill Bend to Oakhill. |
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New bcsjrr.com website online. |
Updated the notes on model railroad photograpy page. |
More BCSJ III construction photos. |
Created a op sessions gallery page. |
Updated the outdoor photography page. |
Added a Shelburn, Oregon prototype railroad page. |
Added some pictures of East Jallen from the previous BCSJ layout. |
Updated ops page and added ops session photos. |
Added Redland Diorama page. |
Completely new look for the website. |
Added page on outdoor photography of model railroads. |
Added a new ops page. |
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Construction of BC&SJ version 3 has begun. Added a page showing progress. |
Added page describing bracing roadbed prior to cutting out a section for a bridge. |
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Added page on outdoor photography of model railroads. |
The branchline to Jallen grows scenery. |
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Major site facelift. |
Generally reorganized the site to unclutter the main page |
Clipped new articles from the South Jackson Gazette. |
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Added pictures of the Albany & Eastern railroad, current operators of the old Mill City branch. |
Added more pictures to First BCSJ Scenery page. |
Added First BCSJ Scenery page with photos of the first scenery my Bear Creek & South Jackson. |
Added BC&SJ construction photos page showing the route taken by train BCHW over the railroad. |
Added construction photos of the new BC&SJ railroad. |
Added my submissions to the 2001 Model Railroader Photo Contest (including the contest winner!). |
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Added some near-miss contest photos. |