My Layouts - BCSJ III - Construction - Oct '05 to Apr '06
Roberts Creek

Bear Creek and South Jackson #3
Construction progress to Apr 24, 2006

BCSJ III - April 24, 2006

Hillmovers Construction Co has definitely been at work over the last 9 months. Although none of the scenery is complete at this point, the Bear Creek and South Jackson's train crews are relieved to no longer be running trains over the "bottomless abyss".

The locals are happy too at the prospect of finally having something other than plain ol' plywood to look at.

Much of the mountain and hill hard-shell is in place and two of the bridges required have been built and are ready for installation once the ground around their sites gets all gussied up. Railroad officials complain that they ain't gonna go installing bridges before scenery because they don't trust them blokes what work for Hillmovers to not get flecks of white stuff and grass all over their nice new bridges.

While all this was going on, another rumor regarding Hillmovers Construction Co's hiring practices surfaced. Read all about it in the South Jackson Gazette.

Anyway, railroad management is pleased that aside from the Redland area where track is still absent, the railroad is again in runnable shape. Hopes are high that Redland will soon be sprouting new ties and rail too.

I hope you enjoy this construction update.

Charlie Comstock
Big Wig
Bear Creek & South Jackson Railway Co.

Pictures from June '05 to April '06. Click 'em to expand 'em.

This page and images copyright © 2005-2006 by Charlie Comstock