My Layouts - BCSJ III - More Pix of Upper Bear Creek - June 13, 2008

Bear Creek and South Jackson #3
More Pix of Upper Bear Creek - June 13, 2008

Upper Bear Creek - late afternoon June pics
June 7, 2008

There was a beautiful sunset one afternoon and the company photog just 'happened' to be in the area with enough electrons left in his digicam's memory so he shot off a whole wad of pictures of upper Bear Creek. Most of 'em (as usual) were trash. Here are some of the better ones.

Hope you like 'em. Start looking here!

Charlie Comstock
Superintendent of Nearly Everything
Bear Creek & South Jackson Railway Co.

Photo techniques to simulate late afternoon sunlight
  • I used a single 90W halogen flood light shining directly on the train at a very low angle for the sun. I kept this light as far from the train as was practical in my train room (about 12') to make the shadows sharper. Fuzzy shadows are often a giveaway that it's not real sunlight.
  • I used a single 250W photo flood bulb with a reflector to simulate the sky light. I aimed this bulb at the ceiling so it would 'bounce' into the scene. I was careful to avoid letting this light shine directly on the scene (to avoid dreaded multiple shadows problem).
  • The halogen 'sun' has a color temperature of around 2800K. The photo flood bulb has a color temperature of 3200K (photo flood lamps were made for use with special 'Tungsten' color balanced slide film. This makes the direct sunlight warmer and the indirect (sky) lighting a bit 'bluer'. A good combination for simulating real light.
  • By 'bouncing' the sky lighting off the ceiling it was greatly reduced in intensity making shadows very dense. Lots of contrast!
  • I set the white balance manually on my digital camera to 2900K.
  • I tried to position the camera to take the best advantage of the dramatic lighting and shadows resulting from the very low angle of the sun.
Presto, instant fake late after-noon sunlight!

This page and images copyright © 2008 by Charlie Comstock