Bear Creek and South Jackson Operations
BCSJ ops home page

Bear Creek Operations
Running 'em until the wheels fall off

Track Warrant
Track Warrants
Clearance Card
Time Table & Train Order
Car Card and Waybill
Car Cards and Waybills
Ops Session Info
Ops Gallery
Ops Links

General Ops Information

I like to run trains with a bunch of friends. Rather than put a train in orbit (and sit back and watch) we like to operate a railroad. This implies running trains to pickup cargos from shippers, sort those loads in the yard by their destination, and get the cars containing those loads onto trains moving toward their destination.

The Bear Creek and South Jackson version II was run using verbal dispatching.

The current version has been running using Track Warrant Control but is heading toward Time Table and Train Order operation.

The car fowarding (where do the cargos in those cars go!) system uses Car Cards and Waybills.

A fast clock is used to help sequence operations. The current fast clock ratio is 4:1 (an hour of fast time takes 15 minutes of real time).

The layout is nowhere near complete but there is enough built to allow for some interesting operation.

If you want to learn more about operating a model railroad like a real one here are some links you might find interesting.

8988 page visits since May 2005.

Last page update Sept 30, 2005.
The page and images Copyright © 2005-2007 by Charlie Comstock. All rights reserved.