January 2010
The Scenery Scene - Quick interiors for you structurs by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Night time: Layout and structure lighting by Charlie Comstock
March 2010
George Selios interview: The Fraknline & South Manchester by Charlie Comstock and Joe Fugate
Craig Bisgeier interview: The Housatonic Railroad Company by Charlie Comstock and Les Halmos
Scenery Scene - Quick and easy hopper loades by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Tunnel Liners: The interiors of BC&SJ tunnels 2 and 3 by Charlie Comstock
May 2010
Scenery Scene - Detailing your loading docks by Charlie Comstock
Jim Dias interview - Western Pacific 3rd Subdivision by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Roadwork: Building a concrete highway by Charlie Comstock
Reverse Running - Now you see it, now you don't by Charlie Comstock
July 2010
Scenery Scene - Trackside stuff: Add piles of ties and tie plates by Charlie Comstock
Jimmy Deignan interview - The return of the Pennsy: Jimmy found and restored Dave Frary's Pennsy project layout by Charlie Comstock and Joe Fugate
Modeling Decrepit Spur Tracks - Are those sidings or roller coasters? by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Modeling a small creek, part 1: Grade crossings and a king post bridge for Sheffield Creek by Charlie Comstock
September 2010
Scenery Scene - Quick and easy stumps: Got loggers? by Charlie Comstock
Dave Clune interview - The On3 Cascade County Narrow Gauge by Joe Brugger and Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Modeling a small creek, part 2: building the creek bed for Sheffield Creek by Charlie Comstock
November 2010
Scenery Scene - Easy highway striping: Striping highways with an airbrush by Charlie Comstock
Kevin Klettke interview - The HO scale bedroom size Washington Northern layout by Charlie Comstock and Joe Brugger
Up The Creek - Modeling a small creek, part 3: Planting a giant cedar tree by Charlie Comstock
January 2011
The Scenery Scene - Improving bottle brush trees: More realist trees using paint and ground foam by Charlie Comstock
Tool Shed - Make your own laser leveler: Getting level headed! by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Modeling a small creek, part 4: Rock casting and zip texturing by Charlie Comstock
February 2011
Scenery Scene - Small rock outcroppings: An easy method to stain cast plaster rocks by Charlie Comstock and Joe Fugate
Scenery Scene - Weathering with chalk and alcohol: It takes longer to dry than to do by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Designing a small division point yard: Considerations for Bear Creek yard on the BC&SJ by Charlie Comstock
March 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Having fun, changing of the guard by Charlie Comstock
Scenery Scene - Build a billboard: A laser kit made it easy by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Installing a framed wood trestle, part 1: Benchwork preparation and trestle construction by Charlie Comstock
April 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Obsession! It's a way of life by Charlie Comstock
Engine House - Putting an Atlas GP7 into service on the BC&SJ by Charlie Comstock
Dave Adams interview - The On3 Durlin Branch by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Insalling a framed wood trestle, part 2: Bracing, guard timbers, and scenery by Charlie Comstock
May 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Creative Personalities: Being different, like everybody else by Charlie Comstock
Scenery Scene - Bamboo Skewer and furnace filter connifer trees by Charlie Comstock
Jack Tingstad interview - The HO Cloud City & Western layout by Charlie Comstock
Superintendent's Office - Car card boxes: Easy to make with changable labels by Charlie Comstock
June 2011
Editor's Soapbox - The Doldrums: Getting nothing much done hobby-wise... by Charlie Comstock
Scenery Scene - Crates: Gift wrapped boxes? by Charlie Comstock
Up the Creek - What time is it?: Running trains on time using a fast clock by Charlie Comstock
July 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Attention to detail: Details are like salt and pepper by Charlie Comstock
Scenery Scene - Applying makeup: Finger painting and painted people by Charlie Comstock
Al Frasch interview - The N scale BNSF Pilchuck division by Charlie Comstock
Car Shop - Fine tuning rolling stock: making it run better by Charlie Comstock
August 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Running in the dark: Hey! Who turned out the lights? by Charlie Comstock
September 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Are you a MRH Magellan?: Where the heck are we? by Charlie Comstock
October 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Are you a MRH Magellan - part 2?: Where the heck are we? by Charlie Comstock
Scenery Scene - Hybrid Trees: Super trees meet Woodland Scenics by Charlie Comstock
Up the Creek - Upper Bear Creek gets water, part 1: Paving sand creek bed upgrade
by Charlie Comstock
Reverse Running - Running backward toward fewer derailments by Charlie Comstock
November 2011
Editor's Soapbox - Selective compression, turning less into more by Charlie Comstock
Up the Creek - Upper Bear Creek gets water, part 2: Envirotex water
by Charlie Comstock
December 2011
Editor's Soapbox - The season of trains, remembering good times with trains in the past by Charlie Comstock
Superintendent's Office - Fascias signs, from inkjet printer to fascia by Charlie Comstock
Up the Creek - Upper Bear Creek gets water, part 3: Finishing the scenery
by Charlie Comstock
January 2012
Editor's Soapbox - Sharing our passion, good things get better with friends by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 1, building a helix by Charlie Comstock
February 2012
Editor's Soapbox - Overcoming lethargy, getting started ... again by Charlie Comstock
Mt Allen is gone! George Sellios tears out the famous Mt Allen on the F&SM
by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 2, finishg the helix and expanding the helix table
Companion video, Adding gussets to joists with wood working biscuits:
by Charlie Comstock
March 2012
Editor's Soapbox - Lights, Camera, Action, sharing your layout with people who aren't there
by Charlie Comstock
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 3, Laying out a staging yard throat and more benchwork
by Charlie Comstock
June 2012
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 4, Connecting the peninsula to the rest of the layout
Companion video, Scratch building turnouts using homemade jigs:
by Charlie Comstock
October 2012
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 5, Progress continues, slowly in main staging and wiring
by Charlie Comstock
November 2012
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 6, Getting wired, short circuit protections, turnout control panel, and serendipity in the new South Jackson yard
by Charlie Comstock
December 2012
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 7, Wiring a junction between reversing loops using relays
by Charlie Comstock
February 2013
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 8, First trains run through the new South Jackson on the mainline.
by Charlie Comstock
March 2013
Up The Creek - Peninsula construction, part 9, The Bear Creek & South Jackson is running again!
by Charlie Comstock
May 2013
Up The Creek - Bending the sky, coving backdrop corners with styrene
by Charlie Comstock
June 2013
Rob Carey interview - A double-deck, N-scale, D&RGW Tennessee Pass layout
Companion video: Meet at Belden on Rob Carey's Tennessee Pass double deck layout:
by Charlie Comstock
July 2013
Up The Creek - Peninsula contruction, part 10: Starting on the peninsula's upper deck reveals turnout placement issues in lower deck staging.
by Charlie Comstock
August 2013
Up The Creek - Entering a photo contest, what does it take?
by Charlie Comstock
October 2013
Up The Creek - Train order semaphore, moving from Track Warrants to TT&TO operation
by Charlie Comstock