Prototype Thoughts Many folks have been concerned about eliminating model railroad thoughts while running trains during an op session. To help out model engineers, conductors, and brakemen, here is a list of prototypical operating thoughts for them to keep in mind. 10. Sure hope the *&^#! dispatcher clears us out of this siding before we expire on hours and have to wait 2 more for someone to come get us. 9. I hope that idiot with the tractor trailer ain't planning on running that grade crossing up ahead. Oh Gawd! He is.... 8. Ain't walking 6000' each way in the rain/sleet/hail/ (insert favorite weather here) at night on weed covered roadbed and uneven ballast a truly delightful experience? 7. Wow Fred! How'd you mangle those fingers? 6. D'ya 'spose that raging torrent of a "creek" has undermined any bents in that old trestle up there... 5. When they gonna get the *%^$#@! cab airconditioner fixed! 4. Say... is there supposed to be smoke coming from underneath that hopper back there? 3. Is that a HEADLIGHT coming at us???? 2. Darn foamers with their freaking cameras are everywhere, Almost ran one down last week. And the #1 thought